What's NU Pussycat?
Given that I'm opposed to invasive cosmetic procedures (do a Google search for Jocelyn Wildenstein and Lesley Ash to see why) - I'm always thrilled to hear about the latest developments in anti-ageing skincare. I've just had a preview of a new cosmeceutical men's range that will have rival brands such as M-Lab, Amatokin, Creme de la Mer, SK-II and La Prairie quaking in their Fit Flops. It's been reported that sales of premium skincare have declined, with devotees opting for the immediate results guaranteed by Botox and fillers. That may be the trend at present but come mid-September the pendulum will undoubtedly swing the other way when the NuBo men's range launches exclusively in the Beauty Apothecary at Harrods. The women's line has already found its way into the beauty arsenary of Harpers Beauty Editor Newby Hands, not to mention Pop Princess Kylie Minogue. I've met the former and trust me when I say she knows a thing or two about hero products. The results oriented range is free of parabens, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate - a harsh detergent and toxin), synthetic colours, fragrances and irritating petrochemicals. So how does this range differ to others? NuBo's Cell Dynamic technology converts toxins in the skin into energising oxygen and water. Our bodies are 80% water and our cells rely on a regular supply of oxygen for optimum function. In other words, NuBo is effectively a fountain of youth for the skin. I can vouch that this isn't another beauty industry myth. After one application of the Cooling After Shave Moisturiser SPF 20 and The Essence, the back of my hand was so soft and smooth that my fiancee commented on it several hours later. Being a make-up artist, I'm particularly excited about Perfectionist, a translucent tinted cream available in shades to suit various skin tones. It mimics an anti-ageing sheer liquid foundation, blurring imperfections while the hyaluronic spheres effectively "fill in" fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, it mattifies the complexion - avoiding skin so shiny your face looks like a mirror. Regular use of the range will boost moisture levels, skin elasticity and radiance. The poet W.H. Auden is famed for his poem "Stop All the Clocks". I'm not sure about stopping all the clocks - but at least with NuBo you've got a fighting chance of stopping the ageing one.
Exfoliating Foaming Cleanser - 120ml £35
Cell Dynamic Cooling After Shave Moisturiser SPF 20 - 30ml £80
Cell Dynamic The Essence - 30ml £200
Perfectionist - 30ml £98
Lifting Eye Serum - 15ml £80
Available exclusively at Harrods Beauty Apothecary from mid-September 2009
www.harrods.com / 0207 730 1234
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